When it comes…
When I was a youth…
My body and I felt like one.
It was so light and perfect with endless energy.
We would dance and run and jump and climb and laugh and cry.
It was all so real.
But now…an old man looks out at me in the mirror every morning.
Who is that fellow? Why does he look so familiar?
My friends are all dying.
One by one they crumble, fall and lie still.
My gentle quiet wife Maxine…
When my time comes….
If it is in the Spring, I will lie embraced by the bright yellow Dandelions
and the brave bursting flowers and my Spirit will float into a Sky of brilliant white puffy clouds
and sail with them into Forever.
If it is in the Summer, my body will lay in the tall, warm green grass and
I will celebrate with the plants the richness of August and my Spirit will rise into the
warm bright skies, embracing the fullness of Eternal Life.
If it is in Winter, my body shall lie under a glittering white blanket of peaceful Snow and sleep
amongst the Roots, who are waiting for the Spring, and my Spirit shall dream with them, into Eternity.
It it comes in the Fall, I will lie covered with a crazy quilt of multicolored leaves, and my Spirit
will swirl upward with a burst of riotous wind, into an Endless Sky of Pure Joy.
It will be like standing on the edge of the Ocean,
Looking out over that Vastness…
My bare feet in the cold wet sand,
When the waves pull at the back of my legs
As they rush back to their source.
Trying to pull me with them.
As I stand and look out over the Vastness.
I will hear it whisper,
“Come! Join me!
“You will remember that you…are I”
PK Willey
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