Tag Archives: American

Dear Maxine, Love Letters by Don Price “When it Comes”

Dear Maxine, Guest Post by Don Price. who lost his beloved wife, Maxine December 26, 2016.  His sincere reflections touch us all. He said: 
“So much death all around me lately. I am not immune. I have stood by many bedsides and watched as fathers, friends, wives,  were taken away,  despite all efforts. I have thought about death since I was young but now it’s…here. All  around. My turn is coming. I believe I know what’s on the “other side”. But about that day…when it comes? What will it be like?”


When it comes

When I was a youth…

My body and I felt like one.

It was so light and perfect with endless energy. Continue reading →

Federal Proposed Rule, excerpt: Historical Role of Conscience & Contemporary Distortions

The Office of Civil Rights called for public comment on the ‘Proposed Rule Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care; Delegations of Authority‘  referenced as ‘The Document’ to protect the right to exercise our conscience in some health care aspects that receive Federal Funding.  The comment period began in January, 2018, and closed March 27, 2018.  over 72,000 American’s responded and commented.

PK Willey made general and specific comments on the proposed rule, with appendices and references, focusing specifically on the historical role of conscience in our country, and the exercise of conscience in  vaccination, extended research on societal effects of legalized euthanasia, and a call for the exercise of conscience in sexual health and gender issues.

This excerpt focuses on the Historical references to Conscience, Continue reading →