Category Archives: Musings

Dear Maxine, Love Letters by Don Price “When it Comes”

Dear Maxine, Guest Post by Don Price. who lost his beloved wife, Maxine December 26, 2016.  His sincere reflections touch us all. He said: 
“So much death all around me lately. I am not immune. I have stood by many bedsides and watched as fathers, friends, wives,  were taken away,  despite all efforts. I have thought about death since I was young but now it’s…here. All  around. My turn is coming. I believe I know what’s on the “other side”. But about that day…when it comes? What will it be like?”


When it comes

When I was a youth…

My body and I felt like one.

It was so light and perfect with endless energy. Continue reading →

The Little Blue Scooter

Guest Post by Mr. Don Price.  This is the second post by Mr. Price, who became a Widower Dec. 26, 2016.  The first post “A Widower’s Letter to His Wife” was posted earlier on this site.  In many ways they were able to achieve an ideal marriage, moving towards great inner harmony with one another.  Don’s experience of his late Wife’s blue Scooter, is understood by all who have experienced deep loss.  It is also on his new site honouring life with his Wife, almost ready for the world to see.  Because his perspective can touch so deeply, we share it here with his blessings.

The Little Blue Scooter

If people come to our house, they see a little blue electric scooter parked in a corner of the living  Continue reading →

A Widower’s Letter to His Wife

Guest Post by Mr. Don Price.  A dear and deeply spiritual friend recently became a Widower when he lost his beloved wife,  Maxine.  They were working, living, loving together, for over 19 years.  Together they raised 5 children, endured the gross ineptitude of the medical world, and all of life’s growing pings and pangs.

Maxine was among so many things, a dancer, a film maker, a home maker, a capable and caring Mother.  Don’s unique ability to poignantly pen his thoughts and feelings carry us to that deep and raw state of awareness and loss we will one day or another face fully.  The mystery of death quietly stalks all our lives, awareness of its Fact helps us to live our present moments with the tinge of Reality.   Don is now in the process of creating a website about their lives together with stories, photos, videos.  When it becomes available the site will be posted here.


Dear Maxine,

It’s been hard to say good bye. For many months Continue reading →

A portrait photograph of Edith Hamilton as she works on her writing, glancing at the photographer.

Our Sanctuaries: Finding Edith Hamilton

“We have many silent sanctuaries in which we can find a breathing space to free ourselves from the personal, to rise above our harassed and perplexed minds and catch sight of values that are stable, which no selfish and timorous preoccupations can make waver, because they are the hard-won and permanent possession of humanity… Continue reading →

A standing bulb of dried garlic, the loosening sheaths of the cloves in clear relief

Surprise Harvest

This is a guest post by Jeanne Allie.

This afternoon, I was preparing the bed to plant my garlic. I plant my garlic in the late fall; in late winter or early spring, before the snow has even finished melting, we’ll see the little green spears thrusting themselves through the soil…the first green of the season. So, my fall garlic planting is truly a treat I plan ahead for myself, to welcome all of us into spring after the long dreary winter. Today, God had another kind of surprise in store for me Continue reading →

A clear view of the Woodstock Campus from afar

In the Heart, Valentines Day 2016

Reflecting on my memories and feelings for someone, I wanted to call ______ and say, “There is always a room in my heart for you.”

Not room in my heart. Not a space. But, an actual room, a place.

Is this what is meant by that idea, expressed by that beautiful idealist, “My Father’s mansion has so many rooms” ?

Reflecting further, I see that for everything, each and all that I have ever touched in open love, a room in my heart has been created.

How many rooms we each have in our heart!

They can be for places too.i

It was a few years ago when this line of thinking began surfacing softly in me. As a child I had spent a few years in the Himalayas.

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