Dear Maxine, Love Letters by Don Price “When it Comes”

Dear Maxine, Guest Post by Don Price. who lost his beloved wife, Maxine December 26, 2016.  His sincere reflections touch us all. He said: 
“So much death all around me lately. I am not immune. I have stood by many bedsides and watched as fathers, friends, wives,  were taken away,  despite all efforts. I have thought about death since I was young but now it’s…here. All  around. My turn is coming. I believe I know what’s on the “other side”. But about that day…when it comes? What will it be like?”


When it comes

When I was a youth…

My body and I felt like one.

It was so light and perfect with endless energy. Continue reading →

Clarifying Gandhi # 13: Defining Non-stealing, Asteya

All the ideals that Gandhi evolved visions of, through the demonstration of his life, are interwoven. If one is picked up and examined, all the others are found in tow. Likewise, the spheres he worked his ideals through: economics, political activity, education, religious expression, health care, and diet, are similarly inseparable from one another.

This is the beauty of a life lived with clarity of intention. Imperfections are of course there: distortions on that intention abound in Gandhi’s life also. Yet his burning effort to clarify, his constant work at refining his own understanding, leaves a legacy worth contemplating for defining and becoming aware of our own personal life intentions. Continue reading →

Federal Proposed Rule, excerpt: Historical Role of Conscience & Contemporary Distortions

The Office of Civil Rights called for public comment on the ‘Proposed Rule Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care; Delegations of Authority‘  referenced as ‘The Document’ to protect the right to exercise our conscience in some health care aspects that receive Federal Funding.  The comment period began in January, 2018, and closed March 27, 2018.  over 72,000 American’s responded and commented.

PK Willey made general and specific comments on the proposed rule, with appendices and references, focusing specifically on the historical role of conscience in our country, and the exercise of conscience in  vaccination, extended research on societal effects of legalized euthanasia, and a call for the exercise of conscience in sexual health and gender issues.

This excerpt focuses on the Historical references to Conscience, Continue reading →

Clarifying Gandhi # 11: Self-Governance with the ideal of Non-possession

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an Ocean. If a few drops of the Ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. – Gandhi

We should have been prepared for it, yet CT State layoffs have come as a shock. We had forewarning, everyone knew about the budget shortfall; Gov. Malloy went to public meetings and addressed the issues. Yet, with all the taxes we pay, are layoffs the only answer?

As a leader, Gandhi gave the planet a demonstration of great governance by adhering to the ideal of voluntary poverty. He insisted austerity measures begin in personal lives of leadership, and Continue reading →

Clarifying Gandhi # 10: Election Education for Refining Democracy

Note:  This article was originally published as Feeling the ‘Bern’ with Gandhi 80 years ago in India  and has been altered to include some of our President’s efforts to refine our democracy.

“The penalty good men pay for indifference to politics is to be ruled by evil men.” – Plato

“I am a lover of my own liberty and so would I do nothing to restrict yours.”i – Gandhi

The 2016 US Presidential election saw the nation getting an education:  President Trump won on the principle of Swaraj, self-reliance, made in one’s own country, including the role of the Christian religion.  Candidate Bernie Sanders elucidated the meanings of socialism, and what it Continue reading →

Life’s Blueprint – Dr. King’s Sincere voice

One of our truly Great Americans who studied Gandhi, was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!  Our great human brother!  His work is receding into the past, out of our human memory.  The bewildered public mind is swooning under the bedazzlement of technology.  Yet, the arching relevance of his words, the universal ideals he stood for are part of the Earth ethical blue print of humanity.

All of his deeply sincere talks literally ‘rang’ with the clear notes of Truth, and that bell-tone resounded in all the hearts who heard him, and still does today, Continue reading →