Tag Archives: speech

Life’s Blueprint – Dr. King’s Sincere voice

One of our truly Great Americans who studied Gandhi, was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!  Our great human brother!  His work is receding into the past, out of our human memory.  The bewildered public mind is swooning under the bedazzlement of technology.  Yet, the arching relevance of his words, the universal ideals he stood for are part of the Earth ethical blue print of humanity.

All of his deeply sincere talks literally ‘rang’ with the clear notes of Truth, and that bell-tone resounded in all the hearts who heard him, and still does today, Continue reading →

Clarifying Gandhi #7: Gandhi’s Gifts to Speech

Speech is the most potent weapon and tool that we have in our persons. To help maintain peace in society and among all aspects of human relations, speech has had careful prescriptions, restrictions and safeguards placed upon it, sanctioned some way in all religions, indigenous societies, cultures, common sense, and conscience.

Critically examined, it is clear that Gandhi worked Continue reading →