Tag Archives: ethics

Life’s Blueprint – Dr. King’s Sincere voice

One of our truly Great Americans who studied Gandhi, was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.!  Our great human brother!  His work is receding into the past, out of our human memory.  The bewildered public mind is swooning under the bedazzlement of technology.  Yet, the arching relevance of his words, the universal ideals he stood for are part of the Earth ethical blue print of humanity.

All of his deeply sincere talks literally ‘rang’ with the clear notes of Truth, and that bell-tone resounded in all the hearts who heard him, and still does today, Continue reading →

Calling Your Muse


Green Mountains under rising Fog, VT, USA Gandhi’s Birthday, 2016

There are gentle thoughts that come

to each, during a day

To take us further,

make us broader,

deeper, maybe wiser,

on our way

These are mine, I post them here

To find my Loves, both far and near

And if such musings come to You

Do let me know, too.


Picture of Gandhi and Kasturba

Looking with Gandhi at Advancing Common Sense: the Necessity of Devotion, and the Role of Death

Individual liberty is allowed to man only to a certain extent. He cannot forget that he is a social being and his liberty has to be curtailed at every step. – Gandhi[i]

Common Sense, the Social Aspect of Conscience

Human civilization shares a great commonality of understanding that transcends religions, creeds, cultures, and politics: our common sense. To advance common sense is the socially functioning aspect of our conscience. Behind every exercise of common sense is a tie to conscience. The role of conscience in advancing common sense, is to seek the fulfillment of love from within us, for all life.

For example, corporate person-hood: common sense tells us that a business is not a human being, and does not deserve the rights of a human being. Furthermore, a real person is accountable for their actions. The anonymity of corporate person-hood means that no specific person(s) is responsible for corporate actions. Common sense sees no person who can take accountability. Conscience finds the role of business is to serve the welfare of society. Greed at the expense of other people’s welfare is hurtful for genuine harmony, peace, and the fulfillment of love. Continue reading →